This short tutorial will walk you through the features of this application
At its core, a pathfinding algorithm seeks to find the shortest path between two points. This application visualizes various pathfinding algorithms in action.
All of the algorithms on this application are modeled on a 2D grid where movement from one node to another has a "cost" of one unit.
Dijkstra's algorithm : The father of all pathfinding algorithms - weighted and guarantees the shortest path
Depth First search : A very bad algorithm for pathfinding , unweighted and does not guarantee the shortest path.
Breadth First search : Pretty good at finding the shortest path in unweighted type
A* search : Uses heuristics to determine the shortest path, one of the best algorithms out there.
Start node is marked with blue color.
End node is marked with red color.
Click on the grid to add walls. (black color)
Walls are impenetrable, meaning that a path cannot cross through them.
The shortest path (if it exists) is marked by yellow color.
I hope you have just as much fun playing around with this visualization tool as I had building it!